คำศัพท์ภาษาอังกฤษ L3 ชุดที่ 8 (Vocabulary L3 V.8)

a whale
en elephant
a tiger
a monkey
a penguin
a camel
a duck
a chicken
a sheep
a cow

These birds can't fly but, they can run very fast.
Penguins can't fly, but they can swim well.
These birds are flying north.
This duck is flying over the lake.

This bird is beautiful.
These birds are ugly.
This is a beautiful street.
This is an ugly street.

Someone is touching the ice.
Someone is touching the bird.
Someone is touching the book.

an insect
a snake
a flog

It's dangerous to ride this horse.
It's not dangerous to ride these horses.
It's dangerous to camp here.
It's not dangerous to camp here.

The cat is not afraid of the dog.
He is not afraid of insects.
They're afraid of the snake.
He's afraid of sharks.

That duck is theirs.
This monkey is ours.
Those cows are theirs.
These chickens are ours.

Are these keys yours?
Yes, they're ours.
Is that dog yours?
No, It's theirs.

These balls are yours.
These coats are yours.
This suitcase is yours.
Excuse me, is this umbrella yours?