คำศัพท์ภาษาอังกฤษ L3 ชุดที่ 7 (Vocabulary L3 V.7)



China is west of Japan.
Russia is north if China.
Italy is east of France.
Australia is south of Russia.

This is the Pacific Ocean.
This is Arctic Ocean.
This is Atlantic Ocean.
This is Indian Ocean.

The man is walking in the desert.
This animal lives in the desert.
These flowers are in the rain forest.
This rain forest is beside the beach.

This is a apple tree.
This is a orange tree.
This is a pine tree.

What's growing here?

What's growing here?
Orange trees.

What's growing here?
Pine trees.

What did the teacher say?
She said that this plant grows in the rain forest.

What did the doctor say?
He said that I should take this medicine twice a day.

What did the police officer say?
He said that the park is west of here.

They're holding a map of Spain.
The teacher is holding a laptop.
We're holding a big plant.
The mother is holding her baby.

This dog is mine.
That dog is his.
That dog is hers.
This dog is ours.

